What Are Spotted Lanternflies?
Spotted lanternflies were introduced into Pennsylvania in 2014 and have wreaked havoc and spread throughout other parts of the eastern United States.
Having a general idea of what spotted lanternflies look like is essential. These pests are dangerous to our agricultural system, and all populations of these insects need to be destroyed.
Spotted lanternfly nymphs in Havertown are often mistaken for ticks. They are small and black and have white-spotted markings on their body and legs. Before turning into a new adult, the nymph will turn red but keep its white spots.
Adult spotted lanternflies have a unique appearance which helps people to be able to identify these insects. Adults have black bodies, and their wings are pinkish-gray with black spots; the tips are black with gray veins. Their abdomens are yellow with black stripes. When their wings are open, they can show off their red underwings.

Are Spotted Lanternflies Dangerous?
If there were any good news about spotted lanternflies, it would probably be that they don't bite or sting people. However, most of the news about spotted lanternflies is bad news.
Spotted lanternflies are agricultural pests, and swift and aggressive action must be taken against them to stop them from damaging and destroying crops and trees.
As they feed on trees, vines, and plants, they cause the plants to become stressed and cause localized branch damage. A stressed plant does not produce up to its ability and is more susceptible to becoming diseased and experiencing plant death.
Why Do I Have A Spotted Lanternfly Problem?
Spotted lanternflies can successfully feed on and damage over 70 plants, so almost any of our outdoor spaces could become a feeding and breeding ground for these pests.
Spotted lanternflies are common hitchhikers. Humans are often responsible for transporting and bringing them to new locations where they quickly establish populations. They hitchhike as eggs, nymphs, or adults in vehicles, campers, cardboard boxes, firewood, and potted plants.
Where Will I Find Spotted Lanternflies?
Spotted lanternflies can make themselves home and cause problems almost anywhere, including our backyards, gardens, orchards, and woodlands.
Nymphs and new adult spotted lanternflies gather in the most significant numbers within the trees and other vegetation they consume. By using their piercing-sucking mouthparts, nymphs like to feed on herbaceous new growth on trees, shrubs, and flowers. Adults prefer to feed on woodier food sources like trees and vines.
In Pennsylvania, some of the plants most likely to be damaged by spotted lanternflies are hops, grape plants, and many trees like the maple, apple, black walnut, birch, and the Tree-of-Heaven.
Knowing where to find their eggs masses is also essential; if you can destroy their eggs before they hatch, it is helpful to control their presence. Females lay their eggs in one-inch segmented rows and cover the eggs in a mortar or mud-like substance. The females place their eggs masses on any hard, smooth surface- tree bark, rocks, outdoor equipment, and the sides of buildings.
How Do I Get Rid Of Spotted Lanternflies?
To get rid of destructive spotted lanternflies from your Havertown property, partner with the local pest control experts at Cunningham Pest Control. We know spotted lanternflies and how to quickly remove them from properties to limit their impact on plants and the environment.
Our spotted lanternfly summer monthly maintenance program will provide a targeted, comprehensive, and environmentally-conscious way to eliminate spotted lanternflies. Call us today to learn about our effective spotted lantern fly control options!
How Can I Prevent Spotted Lanternflies In The Future?
The best way to prevent problems with spotted lanternflies is to schedule regular pest control services for your property. At Cunningham Pest Control, our technicians will be able to spot and quickly eliminate these insects. If you ever spot spotted lanternflies or their masses on your property, immediately reach out for professional help!
For a consultation or more information about spotted lanternfly control in Havertown, reach out today! Let's work together to stop these agricultural pests!